Thursday, 31 July 2014

Pls don’t forget to support our aim

Pls don’t forget to support our aim to buy a Portable Ultrasound Machine to take with us


Friday, 25 July 2014

You have been breaking my heart for too long, enough is enough...

 You have been breaking my heart for too long, enough is enough...

Imagine women queuing up in Africa, waiting to have free Ultra-Sound screening, having been told they have lumps. Imagine the joy it will bring to the women who can’t afford breast screening or any form of treatment, knowing they have been diagnosed with a breast tumour.
One of our biggest challenge during our Africa health awareness trips is seeing women with breast lumps and not been able to do anyt

hing about it. Imagine spending time persuading a woman to allow you carry out breast examination, you then find a lump and are helpless on what to do next.
It has been breaking our hearts for too long, hence we have decided to raise funds to buy an Ultra-Sound machine. This will help us take our free service one step further. At least we will be able to partially diagnose any lump we find during our trips in Africa.
We need your donations to help us do this. We travel to Kenya in September and have four African trips to make in twelve months. We have volunteers from England and far away countries travelling down to raise cancer awareness in African countries. We also have the governments of Africa communities encouraging our trips. We need your support.
Please help us do more, just click this link and make a difference in Africa. 
Thank you for your support, as we will not give up in our fight even in the face of huge challenges. You can join us at Hyde Park on Sunday the 27th of July for the Cancel Cancer Africa Fundraising Picnic from 2pm. Click for more details.!london-4-africa-27th-july/chit
Thank you.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

7 days to Cancel Cancer Africa picnic in Hyde Park

7 days to Cancel Cancer Africa picnic in Hyde Park..

This time next week we will be having fun at the Cancel Cancer Africa picnic in Hyde Park to help us raise funds for our September Kenya trip. (July 27th)

JOIN US ‪#‎breastcancerawareness‬

Monday, 14 July 2014

We need an Ultra-Sound Machine to Help us do more for rural African women. Help Cancel Cancer Africa

Cancel Cancer Africa Fundraiser: Please Click to Donate.. 

We need an Ultra-Sound Machine to Help us do more for rural African women. We are organising a fundraising event at Hyde Park on the 27th of July at 2pm.

As I am sure you are aware, the Cancer burden in Africa is a very complicated issue. Many people present to the hospital with late stage disease due to the lack of awareness about symptoms, together with cultural and superstitious misconceptions.
The mission of Cancel Cancer Africa is;
·               To improve the knowledge of what signs and symptoms to look out for,
·               Carry out free screenings and
·               To encourage women go to see a doctor if any of these occur.
Being able to afford treatment is a huge challenge in Africa, so we work in partnership with the local health authorities to develop ways to fund treatments for any women that we find who needs further investigations or treatment, as well as work towards a long term plan to reduce breast cancer in Africa.
Over a two (2) weeks period (15th to 27th September 2014) we in collaboration with the Busia Government will be:
·               Visiting seven districts in Busia County in Kenya,
·               Giving information on Breast cancer and teaching self breast examinations,
·               Carrying out road shows in public places,
·               Performing Breast examinations and with your support Ultra-Sound.
·               Holding a Breast Cancer Awareness event.
·               Collating data for long term planning and monitoring.
Our objective is to reduce the rate of mortality and morbidity caused by Cancer in Africa. We need your support in many ways. If you’re a health worker we would love for you to come with us, if you not we need your enthusiasm and positive energy during this selfless journey. We have people showing interest from far away India, so why don’t you join us.
Please donate, help us reach our target, help us do more.
Cancel Cancer Africa is organised by a registered CIC in UK: Good for Africa Reg-09068784.
If you can't make it, please make a safe & secure donation by clicking the link below. Help us buy this Ultra-Sound to provide free Breast Screenings in Africa.

Thank you,
Ronnie Jacobs

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

What a group of positive volunteers, come on Kenya!!!

Cancel Cancer Africa's visit to the Kenya High Commission in England.  9th July 2014.
A big thanks to Ambassador Jackline L. Yonga the Deputy Head of Mission, for making us very welcome. 
What a group of positive volunteers Jacqui Dorney, Deirdre Trussler, Lynne Omar, can’t wait for Kenya in September.

Next is the Cancel Cancer Fundraising Picnic at Hyde Park. 27th July. 
We need your support. Order your T-Shirts now, please Call/Text +44 7977 040 165.

Monday, 7 July 2014

It is just a matter of time before Yusuf Yakubu dies, if he does not get your help.

We are counting the days as he lies helplessly in his old and lonely hospital bed, hoping and praying for someone to help.

As requested, Cancel Cancer Team went to visit Mr. Yusuf Yakubu to confirmed that his current health situation. Below are our findings:
Yusuf Adetunji Yakubu is a 30 years old Man, a 400 level Psychology student of Psychology department in the University of Lagos (Unilag), Lagos. He is sick with Cancer of the Throat and can hardly speak at the moment.
He has been admitted at the Male ward, Ward E6 Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Idi-Araba, Lagos.
On arrival, we met with the nurse on duty, who told us visiting hours were from 5:00pm. However, after stating our mission, she allowed us to see Yusuf briefly.
Although, Yusuf could hardly speak; we managed to ask him a few questions, which he affirmed by nodding his head. He showed us his mother's phone number (Mrs Rafiat Idowu 08032252330) on his phone and pleaded with us to call her for more details since he could painfully not speak much.  
On calling the mother, she gave us more details and one of Yusuf’s former class mate and friend's phone number: 08023546318 (Thomas Titilope). Titilope said Yusuf was her classmate and would have graduated with them three weeks ago when they graduated. 
 She also said that Yusuf was diagnosed of the cancer of the throat last year (2013) and has been hospitalised since then. She requested our e-mail address to send us more details on Yusuf's condition, which we did.
As we were about leaving, one of Yusuf's aunt; Mrs. Thomas Eniola: (08027350411) came in with her friends to visit Yusuf but the nurse advised them to come back 5:00pm during visiting hours. And so they left.
Current update: Yusuf needs to travel to Apollo Hospital in India on the 13th of July, 2014. The doctors are on strike in Nigeria and his situation is getting worse. We need your contributions. It is just a matter of time before Yusuf Yakubu dies, if he does not get our help.
We are counting the days as he lies helplessly in his old and dirty hospital bed, hoping and praying for someone to help.
Report compiled by Sheila Ogbotor (07066082663) and Eyiyere Mercy (08055848252).

Saturday, 5 July 2014

It's typical for parents who've lost hope, to book their child into hospital to die...#saveyusuf

It's typical for parents who've lost hope, to book their child into hospital to die...

The story of Yakubu Yusuf caught my attention when I saw his picture trending on twitter. First I was sceptical and wanted to be sure it was true before I got involved. I posted his picture on my facebook page, which got a lot of people asking questions about him. This led me to investigate more. What I discovered shocked me.
He is on his final year as a psychology student at the university of Lagos and was preparing to graduate. Coming from a poor home he worked hard all through to keep his dream alive. Yukubu was diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal cancer, and his dreams stopped.
His poor mother has been trying to get him through radiation treatment by taking him from home, but due to lack of funds, she had no choice but to send Yusuf to the local hospital for admission. Before you start getting hopeful about Yusuf’s condition, let me paint you a picture about the hospitals in Africa.
In Africa, you pay for everything in a hospital, you pay for drinking water, someone close to you to buy you drinking and cleaning water. You pay to get changed, if you do not have money to update your bills you are sent packing. Meaning the mum needs to keep paying for the hospital bed everyday, even though the hospital can’t do anything for him. She needs to travel a long way to the hospital each day, begging for money to travel, money to buy his drugs (Pain killers), money to pay for his bed, money to even feed him
The doctors and nurses can’t administer treatment without payment, not event a plaster. You need to understand that, as the mother is running around looking for help, she is constantly been told, “Oh sorry, God will do it”. And while she is running around, she is not making money either. It’s like a vicious circle. Yes God will do it, but we need to start giving.
It’s hard for the mother to be hopeful in Yusuf’s case.

This is a typical situation as parents who have lost hope, book their relatives into hospitals for them to die peacefully due to family pressure. The painful truth isYusuf’s time on earth is just a matter of weeks. But we can do something about it. All he needs to stay alive and graduate is for us to give just $5 each to have his operation done in India.
It is just a matter of time before Yusuf Yakubu dies, if he does not get our help. We are counting the days as he lies helplessly in his old and dirty hospital bed, hoping and praying for someone to help. BBC did a good write up about how people are using social media to save him. His friends are doing their best. But please enough of hope and faith, time for action.
All you need to do is send your contributions in quickly, please. We are counting the days of Yusuf’s life. Everyday henceforth, is lived by faith and believe that God will make it happen. We need your support. Yusuf must live.
To help please contact Henry +234 812 029 3938. UK: 07405 144 789 or email
This campaign is supported by Cancel Cancer Africa a Cancer awareness group operating under Good For Africa CIC UK registered Number 9068784
Youtubelink: Cancel Cancer Africa.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

"All we are and all we ever will be is for your Glory" 24 days to go..

You have changed my sadness into a joyful dance;
You have taken away my sorrow
and surrounded me with joy. 
So I will not be silent;
I will sing praise to you.
Lord, you are my God;
I will give you thanks forever.

"For everything you have been using me for oh Lord, 
I say Thank you. All I am and all I ever will be is for your Glory". 
 Ronnie Jacobs.

Please, Join us on Sunday 2pm at Hyde Park 
on the 27th of July 
for the London Cancel Cancer Africa Picnic. 

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

So many people laugh at me for failing, and some will even label me a failure.....

Don’t stop when people laugh at your happens to me a lot.

One thing I know for sure is that in the pursuit of your dream, you will fail a lot. So many people laugh at me for failing, and some will even label me a failure. One thing that is very common is for people to turn their heads when you come up with a new way to achieve your dream. 
I remember many a times when I tried and was told, “oh not another idea again”. I know how these comments made me feel. I tried hard not to allow these comments affect me but it was hard not to. It took me a long time to learn how to use these negative comments as a motivator.
My advise to you today looking back, is that, keep going. Imagine if I had stopped when those close to me were telling me to stop or give up and follow their ideas. Those that don’t take risk are always scared when you do. Risk takers do great things. One thing is certain, with God on your side you can climb over higher mountains. 
Please, start that one thing you love, and give it your all. Take people’s comments, good or bad, as motivation to drive on only. At the end, the same people that talk you down come praising you when you start climbing. Funny !
Please, join us on Sunday 2pm at Hyde Park on the 27th of July for the London Cancel Cancer Picnic.  

We (Cancel Cancer Africa Team) will be going to Kenya in September and need funds to help us buy a lot of things we need for the people of rural Busia districts. We need your support
God Bless You…EMAIL US