Friday 30 May 2014

Dangerous Scam in Africa, Self Breast Screening eupitments, Breast Reduction & Stretch mark Miracle creams…be aware!!!

“Our Doctors are not God's, you have a right to ask a doctor why? As well as seeking a second opinion”.

I was working on my computer the two days ago when I received an email from a lady who was concerned about an advert she saw on facebook by a company claiming to have a miracle cream that can reduce her breast size and completely clear her stretch marks. I was curious so I visited the site to see for myself.  
(For legal purposes we have withheld the name of this company, but you can inbox us for their link.)
This was their note on the site “Mostly women are suffering problems due to excessively large breasts and not being able to wear fashionable and stylish garb. With XXX Capsule & XXX Cream, the first and most effective way of reducing breast the natural way” and it cost in excess of $200. (N25, 000)
MY CONCERN:  I checked for their office address, NONE. I then clicked on the link to their website, it also stated ‘INVALID NAME’. I sent them a mail requesting some information, but ‘NO REPLY’.
They claim to have a “Breast Cancer Machines” what exactly this means am not sure. This was what they wrote on their site. “Company XXX is a new health well being product for women that give rapid and non-destructive diagnosis for mammary gland diseases, especially breast cancer.” 
I sent a request but did not get a reply.
They also claimed to have stretch mark removal creams, this was their claim “Stretch marks affect both men & women. Whether it's from pregnancy, gym, weight loss, etc., Restore Cream is the solution!
MY CONCERN: As for the stretch mark creams: Creams, gels or lotions, laser surgery and cosmetic surgery are all used to treat stretch marks. However, there is little in the way of medical evidence to show that these treatments are effective, so it's important to be realistic about what they can achieve. You must seek medical advice, before trying any medication.
I am not trying to ruin anyone’s business, but my concern are:
1-    If you claim to sell medical products you must have a registered address so people can reach you in case of side effects and reactions.
2-    You are selling medical capsules, do you have a NAFDAC registration for these drugs, has it been approved for sales in Africa?
3-    You are selling “Breast cancer machines”, in our fight to reduce breast cancer in Africa, how can we now start asking these women to use altar violet lights to be detecting their lumps. How does this equipment work, and do these lights have no side effects.
4-    These so-called drugs, are they legally sold in the country of manufacture?
There are so many gray areas in these practices and I want to highlight a huge problem we have in Africa. We need to educate ourselves before we take any medication. We allow fake or quack Pharmacy owners to administer whatever treatment they feel to us without question. Doctors are not God, you have a right to ask the doctor why that treatment as well as seeking a second opinion.
Please my loving beautiful women in Africa, I love you all so much, hence we fight each day to educate you, so you could continue to enjoy your life and your family. Please, make sure you consult a doctor before you start taking any drug that claims to alter your body. If only you know the amount of people suffering from the side effects of these so called miracle drugs and creams.
You are wonderful as you are, beautiful beyond description. If you have a severe condition, then please seek medical advice, not buying products from the Internet. If something goes wrong, who do you then hold responsible? Where do you run to?
Please spread this message.

Thank you,
Ronnie Jacobs Follow us on twitter #cancelcancerafrica

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